Harney Peak
We were delayed a week or more due to a back injury Steve sustained. We wanted to hike Harney Peak, but were not sure if we would have time given Steve's condition. This peak is the highest east of the Rocky Mountains and west of the Pyrenees Mountains in Europe, plus there is a nifty stone lookout tower that the pubic can go into at the summit. Slowly Steve healed and we made an attempt and it panned out. The highlight on this hike was the mountain goats reaction to the bag pipe player at the mountain summit. No kidding, pics below.The parking area at Sylvan Lake. Nice restroom facilities and excellent graphical local park information.
Graphics at the info hut.
Off to the Harney Peak trail head we go
Steve mugging at the first trail marker
We started out in the valley meadows.
Very quickly we were heading up in altitude and the rock formations started appearing.
The sun warmed things up quickly and Gari shed her jacket.
Steve is still able to hop up on a little rock.
The path was empty early this morning.
That's a tall rock!
Steve points to a vertical rock and simultaneously models his new fingerless Guide gloves.
Tall tall rocks
Smiling Steve
Getting higher... that's Little Devil's Tower at the left.
At a trail crossing we met a nice couple that offered to take our picture so we took them up on that offer.
Be sure to select the correct trail.
Rest 2, 3, 4...and onward
A glimpse of the tower!
Look at that, a hitching post right near the top! No horses this morning.
The opening in the rocks that leads to the tower;
just follow the steps...
Come on up GariGari on the first landing..
Keep going up the stairs...
I see the tower!
Getting closer.
View back down the stairs, Gari right behind.
Gari going up.
The tower plaque. Built by the Civilian Conservation Corps. A jobs program for unmarried men back in the 1930-1940s. Nice job guys!
Wow! Great views from up here!
View to the south
I see Mountain Goats to the north,
Zoom in.
Little Devil's Tower in portrait
Close in of Little Devil's Tower and Custer, SD 20 miles behind.
Cathedral Spires left and Little Devil's Tower right
Same view different f-stop.
The construction of the tower was very interesting.
Down the tower stairs and out the back door leads to a narrow path...
What's this around the corner? A man named Keith from Wisconsin playing the bagpipes!
Gari moves in to photograph Keith, the goats are following Gari to check out that soulful sound...
Keith wailing out Scotland the Brave; Steve enjoying the moment nearby the tree.
This is the dam.
Steve by the tower.
Chatting with the bagpiper
Looking down.
Alright, it's time to head back down. 3.8 miles up to the top reaching an altitude of 7247 feet.
Bye-bye bebe
Zoomed in to see the tower better.
Black Hills beauty.
From one beauty to another. And that is Harney Peak.
Keith belting it out on top.