Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Walk in the Clouds

We have been wintering in Yuma, AZ for the last six years.  During that time we have stayed on five different rental lots with three different couples who are all now part of our family and vice versa.  There is a saying out here that goes something like this, 'If you're lucky enough to be in the desert, then you're lucky enough.' 

One of the dreams that we have shared while in Yuma is to summit Jester's Peak.  Last week, we struck out on a hike and we came as close as we have come to realizing that dream yet.  Below is our view of Jester's Peak from our RV parking spot.

At the top of Jester's Peak is an American Flag.  The flag does have a solar powered light and when it is working we see a tiny speck of light at the peak during the dark hours of the night.

We started out in the morning on that day and walked from our RV lot toward the Jester's Peak Trailhead.  We were fresh and the morning air was cool.  Gari surveys the path forward.

Below we look back toward the Yuma Foothills neighborhood where our RV is parked.  The spot of the photo below is at the end of the ORV road.  From there the way forward is a foot trail that connects to a different ORV road.
Gari at the end of the road spot.  The foot trail is at frame right of Gari.  We were about 1.7 miles from the RV at this point and this is where the incline begins to turn upward.
Below Gari inspects the Jester's Trailhead bulletin board.
The message about Jester's Trail found on the bulletin board.
Looking back toward the west and Yuma Foothills from the trailhead.  This is also the end of this road into the Gila Mountains, and from there we are back onto a foot trail, which is Jester's Trail.  We are now about 2.5 miles from our RV.
The start of Jester's Peak Trail.  It starts off easy enough...
Below, Gari looks back to the trailhead bulletin board.
The terrain become steeper and at this spot the sun has not reached our east side of the slope yet this morning.

Looking westward below we can see the shadow cast by the tall cliff behind.

Onward and back toward the sunlight.
Going up in elevation now; another switchback ahead.
We take a short break at a small pass.  It was windy up there.
Mountains behind mountains looking toward the northeast.
Looking down. The Foothills neighborhood looks like a patch in the desert.  You can make out the two golf courses, which are the green areas within the housing.

The trail gets serious here...

Better get the hero shot!
We called this spot the end of the hike that day and enjoyed a snack...
...with the flag peak insight.  We figured that we fell short today about 2,000 ft of the entire dream.
The picnic site also provided a nice view of the Foothills before we turned back for home.  From this higher vantage point we can see the solar farm to the west beyond the Foothills neighborhood.  For now, the Jester Peak Dream lives on!


  1. Thanks for sharing - beautiful views.

    1. Happy to share. One of these days we're going to climb that mountain...mountain...mountain...
