Monday, April 25, 2016

Watts Bar Lake, Spring City, Tennessee

We are enjoying Cedar Point RV Park here in Spring City, TN.  The campground is waterfront on Watts Bar Lake.  The owners are super nice folks who I don't think their family has moved more than two miles in as many generations.  The patriarch Ken was born the same year the lake was flooded into existence.  The lake actually took his parents house and the campground land was part of what they bought with the TVA money they received for their flooded homestead property.  We have been out paddling our kayaks two days in a row now.  Seems like we are set up just fine.  We haven't been as lucky with the fishing here, just a few small Bluegill so far....

Watts Bar Lake at the back of the RV park.
Gari documenting the entrance sign.
Close up/
The RV park was originally set up for construction workers who were living in the area while working on the Watts Bar Nuclear Reactors.  It was a four year project and has just finished up a few months ago, and with it the park now has some vacant lots for the first time in over four years.  Now the family is transitioning over to a vacation type RV park and spreading the word.  Consider this a word on that transition, come on down!
We are set up on a lot that has southern exposure on the driver's side.  We liked that because the window we like to put the Sirius antenna in is also facing south on this lot.  There are still several vacancies here.
There are the two kayaks; one Perception (yellow & blue sit on top) and one Old Town (red sit inside).
You can just catch a glimpse of the lake over Pepe's hood.
The park also has several very nice cabins.  They are about 300 sq ft each.
Gari got a picture of a shorebird milling about the park.  We think it may be a Plover variety.  What do you think?
Dr. Doolittle feeds the domestic ducks, big mistake. We think they are Saxony Ducks.
Can't get rid of them now.  They come running as soon as we step outside.
One of the sons built this nice stone restroom and laundry facility.
We love that view!
We can just see a little bit of the lake from our dining table window.
First pictures from the kayaks; Gari fishing from her Old Town sit inside kayak.


  1. The bird is a Killdear. We had some nesting in one of the pastures the past couple of years!

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