Monday, August 14, 2017

Assults on McGregor Peak

Directly behind the RV park we stayed in whole in Marion, MT was a wild area that is State land with some of it leased for logging operations.  On that land is Little McGregor Lake and McGregor Peak, which rises above the RV park by about 2,100 ft at a peak altitude of 6,000 ft.  We made several attacks on McGregor Peak, but never stood exactly on the top.  We reckoned by Gari's GPS and our maps that we came within about 1,000 ft in both elevation and linear distance.  It really got steep up there!  A few days we hiked with Ed & Lynn up there.

The panorama below was one of the highest overlooks that we made, but it is not the top of McGregor Peak.  You can see McGregor Lake athe the left and can just catch a glimpse of smaller Little McGregor Lake to the right.

This is the way up on the old logging road.  It is closed to all motorized vehicles.  I suspect that they are concerned about fires starting.
Ed came with us the day we came very close to the top.  Ed and Gari take a short rest below.
A midway overlook showing McGregor Lake and Little McGregor Lake in the foreground.  This was before the fires and is a pretty clear day.
There are bear in them hills!  Only a couple days old there.  This pile wasn't there two or three days ago when we last walked up here.
Steve in his mosquito head net that day.  And that is not bug spray on his belt.
Ed breaks out the chocolate fudge that Lynn sent with us for a surprise.  That was the best rest stop we had by far that day!
 A little smokey this day overlooking McGregor Lake.
Ed and Steve take in the view 
Hiking buddies!
Higher up, Ed & Steve.
Lynn, Ed & Steve on a hike above Little McGregor Lake.
Gari checks the GPS with Lynn and Ed.
Gari and Lynn taking in the view from the Little McGregor Lake bluff.
Up the gang goes to the highest hill behind Little McGregor Lake.
A little purple on the stump overlooking McGregor Lake.
It's hard not to take a picture when the overlook opens up.  Gari gets a shot over Steve's  shoulder.
Steve's view.
Going back up to McGregor Peak with Gari and Ed.
The three Musketeers at the high point near McGregor Peak ~5,100 ft.  Steve, Gari and Ed.
 Panorama near the top of McGregor Peak.
Hiking pals 4-ever!

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